CyberGrape Security

About Us

Welcome to CyberGrape, your trusted partner in managing third-party risk and ensuring top-notch cybersecurity for your business.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the threats to your company’s sensitive information. Third-party risk management is crucial in identifying and mitigating these potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals.

At CyberGrape, we offer comprehensive managed services to help you navigate the complex world of third-party risk management. Our team of experts will work with you to assess and monitor your external partnerships, ensuring that proper security protocols are in place to protect your business from cyber threats.


In addition to our third-party risk management services, we also offer a wide range of cybersecurity solutions to safeguard your company’s sensitive data. From penetration testing to incident response planning, we have the tools and expertise to keep your business secure.


Don’t leave your company’s security to chance. Trust CyberGrape to manage your third-party risks and protect your business from cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business stay secure in the digital age.


If we sound like the type of people, who you would like to work with – then get in touch here and we will contact you.

World map showing where all CyberGrape registered offices are

CyberGrape is located in New Zealand and South Africa, supporting businesses and their people in countries all over the world.